Cadastre of Ensenada. Carbajales Alba
Saturday May 17, 2008
Cadastre of Ensenada. Alba Carbajales
interrogation Satisfaction
In the town of Carbajales to twenty-four days of February 1752 years, being present before the Honor, Mayor John Moran noble state, by General Alonso Garrido André Gago noble state councilor, Juan Serrano and that of farmers, Geronimo de Ocampo for the officers, Antonio Armenteros and Pedro Gazapo partners, Manuel Calvo citizen of the town of Vincent Joseph Sanzoles and local resident of experts appointed Manzanal by the judge, with the assistance of Don Juan de Aranda and Tabares, pastor of this town, when they had read to me the clerk of the forty questions of the interrogation, being all well educated and repeating the oath, the promise to meet and met as follows:
1 ª
is called Villa de Carbajales
2 ª
is of mastery and belongs to the Count of Alba de Ready, who today has the Hon. Count of Benavente and perceived as the right of the ninth of all the fruits of wheat, rye and barley, the offspring of cattle and sheep and goat wool from them short. Also
receives from each neighbor on the grounds of jurisdiction of hogal, a chicken and twenty-one coppers each year, whose rights matter, locks which are exempt from this burden, eleven thousand one hundred thirty-seven real and twenty-six coppers: the actual eight thousand four hundred fourteen and eight coppers for the ninth of the fruits of grain, one thousand two hundred eighty-two by raising real of sheep and goats, eight hundred twenty and four reales for wool, and six hundred and seventeen reais and twenty-six coppers remaining in the jurisdiction of the chicken and twenty-one coppers.
3 rd
From east to west for a league north of Midi more league and four leagues in circumference, more or less. Confronted by the party to lift the term place of Manzanal, P. with that of the Castle and Muga, by Noon with the Public and Videmala, and the North with that of Losi, Mark and Losacio and has set the figure below ......
4 th
There rainfed bread bear wasteland of mountains of rock rose and heather, high mountains and styling, orchards irrigated meadows surrounded by individuals, valleys and meadows common for cattle pasture of crops of the neighbors , and some land they call curtains which are walled and planted every year.
bread lands first and second grade have a year off, and the third as three or four.
5 th and 6 th
Different fenced gardens with fruit trees short consideration, and the curtains and meadows there are also some useful short fruitless trees. In the field
Concejil called Lap is the new planting of trees unsuccessful, made the orders of His Majesty.
The lands are of good, medium and lower quality. 7 th
No more trees than those expressed in the response history. 8 th
are made without a warrant.
9 th
Used in this town in the load measurement is divided into four bushels, the bushel into two eighths, and has every ground load of planting one thousand six hundred State Authority for four yards Castilian each, and each load land of high quality planting four acres of planted wheat, barley if five bushels and if three bushels of rye, the second-best three bushels of wheat, if four bushels of barley and rye if two bushels and a half, and the third two and a half bushels of rye.
10 th
will thousand four hundred twenty-three loads and a half of land for sowing, more or less this way:
of land for sowing of rainfed thousand two hundred and nine, three hundred and twenty-nine first-class, including nine charges making curtains walled, four second grade, and four hundred and eighty loads of third quality.
of irrigated land and vegetable gardens surrounded five loads.
walled meadows thirteen individuals to reap loads.
of meadows, streams and valleys common pasture eighty-two loads and a half.
Of the two high mountains that exist in a close thirty-four loads.
and eighty-two remaining uncultivated land of brambles, heather and peñascares. NOTE
There is a high mountain called Singers hundred and ten loads of consistency and a hundred and thirty loads of hills and uncultivated bush, which belongs to the Count of Alba and Ready, which is bounded, everything loads up two hundred and forty . Monte
high the rocket in place of the term of this council has
Manzanal the term Manzanal place a high mountain oak occupying land ten loads of planting, which pays no use whatsoever because their common grazing of residents of this town and not leased. Confronts lift a land of bread lead of the term of the place of Manzanal, the west by way of the Castañal, and to the south and north by land planting of that term of Manzanal and her figure is as follows
11 th
Wheat , barley, rye.
12 th
load of tillageland top quality under wheat, is considered one year with another, four charges, if barley five shots, and if rye other five, the second quality under wheat three charges, Rye and whether other three, and the third quality of rye planted two charges.
load of vegetables irrigated land and orchards surrounded occurs every year four hundred eighty reais fleece.
walled curtains load, which is where regularly planted forage for livestock farming, the product is considered equal to the charge of tillageland premium.
The burden of land fenced grassland planting is considered to annual grass eight cars.
The burden of common meadow grass, high hills and uncultivated land there is no practice of giving any useful or lease of herbs, acorn or cutting firewood, being common to the town, places of their land and jurisdiction, but if it would have to lease grazing land each load of meadows and glens fleece fifteen reais a year. The one
eight real high mountains of fleece and brambles and uncultivated land to be of very poor quality and shared his pasture, he is not considered worthless, but states that burned and chafed their bushes can be planted every four years to produce respect of the irrigated lands of third quality.
In irrigated orchards are usually planted flax, removing to do the garden, and its product is even in consideration of the burden of vegetable.
13 th
That many years I did not take any fruit trees, but still in which no fruit as they are few and of inferior quality, is considered not get the product to two hundred reals, and this is even in the total of orchards and vegetable gardens and other useful unaccountable.
14 th
one year to another value has the burden of real sixty-two wheat, rye the forty-four barley forty.
The grass truck fifteen reais.
A lamb eight reales. A real eight kid. Arroba wool
A twenty-five. A hand of three real linen. A bushel of flaxseed two reals and a half.
A swarm reals. A six real pig breeding. A hen two reales. A real chicken. 15 th
fruit of grains that are caught in the land, the offspring of cattle and wool sheep and goats that are short pays tithing, half the parish priest and the other half to the said Earl. And also those who are nominated green tithes, ie breeding sheep, chickens, flax, vegetables and swarms, for each breed of horse most forty coppers, for the lowest twenty coppers, for ten coppers cattle, if it sells a forage, a real-tenths of their value. Which likewise belongs to the pastor and half count.
The premise is charged for each kind of grain, a chamfer on reaching twenty of harvest and this belongs to the church in this village.
Santiago's vote regularly paid rye harvest in coming twenty eighths, differing on the premise that one is paid a species.
addition to tax is referred to land on the right end of the ninth, which is expressed at the second number, and are prevented from flaxseed does not pay tithe.
16 th
One year with another amount tithes to two hundred fifty-six bushels and ten bushels of wheat, nine bushels of chin, two hundred eighty-five bushels and four bushels of rye, forty-nine bushels and a peck and a half of barley percent and sixty offspring of sheep and goats and a quarter of another, and thirty and fifty pounds and twenty-four pounds of wool, and the tenth green at a thousand pieces of fleece, that everything matters eleven thousand five hundred twenty-eight coppers real fleece .
The ninth Earl paid the amount equal to the same that the tithe to be practical in this town that decimate the same time and pay the right, along which is charged with the collection belonging to the pastor and the Count, and he takes a part and this three, two by the ninth and the other half by tithes.
The scoop one year with another amounts to eight loads of wheat, rye nine loads and loads and average barley.
Santiago's vote totals to nine charges of rye a year. And by the tazmía
presented consists of what is related. 17 th
Nine flour mills in the term of this town, the three on-site and stream called El Valle grinding it with water and cubadas and belong:
The one single tooth to Don Juan de Santiago, a cleric in this town, and its annual output is regulated in three loads of wheat and three rye. Another
the heirs of John Calbo resident of this village, which annually produces two loads of wheat and two rye.
and the other half to Manuel Tineo resident of this town and Andres Figuera it is Manzanal place, they have utility to year seven and seven loads of wheat, rye. Another
located Grimoso, Silba Francisco's own resident of this town, a single wheel and grinds cubadas with water from a stream called Grimoso less large, their product two loads of wheat and two rye.
and the remaining five are on the banks of the River Ready grinding six months a year:
The one belongs to the heirs of Blas Castaño, residents of this village, located Peña the Devil, one grindstone and grind with water from the river and its product two loads of wheat and two rye.
Another two wheels at the ford of flowers belonging to Mathias Simon resident of this town, your product twelve loads of wheat and rye twelve.
Another two wheels at the ford of San Lorenzo, which belongs to Francisco Mora, a resident of this town and its product a year four loads of wheat and four of rye.
Another two wheels of the Well of Climbing belonging to Manuel Fraile, a resident of this town, his product to year twelve and twelve loads of wheat, rye. The other
with three wheels to the Hill of Salinas, who belongs to Don Roque Pérez, parish priest of the place of Ricobayo, which annually produces five loads of wheat and rye five.
are cautioned that the inequality of the product to be seen in the related mills is to be in a better position than others and make a better meal.
18 th
are the Esquiline produced in 1100 and seventy-nine sheep, two thousand eight hundred sixty-six ewes, 1262 lambs, one thousand and two goats, three hundred eighty-one kids, and six hundred sixty-four Castron. Considering product to a ram, in whose class are included those yearlings, two and a half pounds of wool, each ewe, ewe and butch pound and a half, a quarter pound each of Anin lamb and eight reales for his courage, and eight reals for every kid that is the product of the goat, not to exhaust the milk to sell or make cheese, the usefulness of any year covered in this regard amounts to twenty in 1600 and eighty-one reales. And what particularly for each individual is as follows: James Moran
150 goats, 50 goats, 100 reales
Fabián Martín 200 sheep, 100 lambs, 1125 rv
Peter Moran 16 rams, 200 ewes, 80 lambs, 20 goats, 10 kids, 28 Castron, 1155 rv
Antonio Fernández 4 sheep, 20 sheep, 5 lambs, 81 RV
Alonso Morán 104 sheep, 200 Ovejas, 100 Cordero, 40 goats, 10 goats, 68 goats, RV 1465
André Gago 25 goats, 6 goats, 27 goats, 48 \u200b\u200bRV
Joseph Rodrigues Fernandes 34 sheep, 82 Ovejas, 12 Cordero, 106 goats, 41 goats, 191 goats, 635 RV
Joseph Vincent 4 rams, 60 Ovejas, 20 Cordero, RV 265
Joseph Sword 3 rams, 13 Ovejas, 27 RV
Fernández Alonso 15 rams, 100 Ovejas, 25 Cordero, 393.25
RV Gregorio Alvarez 230 sheep, 340 Ovejas, 140 Cordero, 122 goats, 48 \u200b\u200bgoats, 133castrones, 2624 RV
Alvarez 23 sheep, 16 Ovejas, 4 Cordero, 90 goats, 50 goats, Castron 56, 514 Andrés rv
Fineness 18 sheep, 8 lambs, 93 rv
Joseph Miguel 420 rams, 200 ewes, 100 lambs, 40 goats, 11 kids, 20 Castron, 1513 Vicente rv
Sunday 66 goats, 30 goats, 240 rv Francisco Silva
6 sheep, 20 sheep, 10 lambs, 127 rv
Francisco Lopez 5 sheep, 7 rv
Juan Ocampo 8 goats, 0 rv
Geronimo Santos 10 rams, 32 sheep, 73 RV Gregorio López
190 sheep, 300 sheep 200 lambs, 34 goats, 15 kids, 18 Castron, 2699 rv
Antonio Martín 14 rams, 140 ewes, 50 lambs, 20 goats, 5 kids, 4 Castron, 697 rv
Mathias Rivas 19 sheep, 53 sheep, 33 lambs, 70 goats, 28 kids, 64 Castron, 623 rv
Pedro Belber more 19 goats, 4 kids, Mathias 32 rv
Ferrero 16 goats, 7 kids, 56 rv Benito Mouse
20 goats, 10 kids, 80 rv
Pedro López 72 goats, 130 sheep, 50 sheep, 7 goats, 3 kids, 811 rv
Don Pedro del Castillo 220 sheep, 580 sheep, 250 lambs, 10 goats, 2 kids, Santiago Martín 3498 singles rv
19 Manuel Perez 20 rams , 9 sheep, 6 lambs, 113 rv
Juan Alonso 30 goats, 10 kids, 80 rv
Pedro Velban lower 22 goats, 4 kids, 5 castroenes, 32 rv
Francisca Garrido 3 rams, 36 sheep, 14 lambs, Rv 177
Ana Tineo 42 sheep, 28 lambs, 294 rv
Theresa Pedrón 21 goats, 15 kids, 5 Castron, 120 rv
Andrea Albarez single 31 sheep, 63 sheep, 23 lambs, 20 goats, 8 kids, 28 Castron, 429 , 25 rv
Isabel Casado 1 ram, 7 sheep, 4 sheep, 38 goats, 10 goats, 126 rv
Luisa González 6 goats, 2 kids, 16 rv
Maria Fernandez 2 goats, 2 kids, 16 rv
And no house some shear in this town or its term.
19 th
there in the end of this town a hundred twenty-four hives, belonging, one Joseph Rodriguez Fernandez, Joseph Vincent ten to twenty-four to Joseph Sword Manuel Gazapo two more, one by Francisco de Silva, Francisco López another thirty-four Gregorio Lopez, two to Alonso Garrido, Felipe Vara two to four Geronimo Castaño, three to Mary Granados, Francisco Herrera fourteen, one by Manuel de Villalba, five Phelipe Chimeno, Eighteen Zarracina Mary, widow, and two to John Mayo.
And the annual output of each is considered in three reales. 20 th
one hundred seventy-four oxen, one hundred seventy eight cows, with forty-six calves. Twenty-four mares with eleven pups, five and six mules equine. Six horses and two mules to levee. Eighty-six donkeys and seventy-three ten donkeys and eight pups. Three hundred seventy jeeps and a pig, and one hundred thirty-four of beef. A twenty-four those mares is considered twelve pups six mules and six equine. And the mule is considered of value three hundred and twenty five dollars, and the horses, one hundred and thirty.
As for the offspring of cows and donkeys are not considered worthless merchandise is not made for them because they serve the farming ministry.
No one who has cabin neighbor or mares graze out the term. There are 21 st
residing in the town two hundred fifty-two neighbors, even forty-eight widows and two unmarried girls open house, of which eleven foundling eight widows, poor, of solemnity and understand, which are in the neighborhood.
22 th
There are two hundred sixty-seven houses, two hundred fifty-three rooms, eleven without inhabitants, and the remaining three ruined, one by inability of the heirs of Manuel Granados and the other two for abandoning their owners, which one belongs Don enjoyed the Mayorazgo Calos Lopez, a resident of Zamora and the other to John Pedron and Antonio Morán residents of this town.
conde is paid to the manor because a chicken and twenty-one coppers per year for each resident by the courts of the land as stated in the second number.
23 th
have the common term for this villa her own serve, the two high mountains villages, called the Canada and Valdora, uncultivated land and common meadows, and other high mountain called Coetico ten loads of dirt in planting at the end of Manzanal place in this jurisdiction, and it referred not enjoy any use. Also
have to own this council twenty-six loads and three acres of land for planting, which are worth in each year, three hundred eighty-eight real and twenty coppers as evidenced by the testimony presented.
And of those lands own butler gives formal relationship for further verification of the room, location, quality and comparisons of each. There is no good because
although he was sufficiently grown, the Portuguese in the last invasion, which was in the year of 1700 and ten, they took all the bread, do not know its creation, as was his wealth, nor indicated in the file of this villa , having lost so much of the papers relating to it, as more detail of the testimony seems to show, and if necessary it will be referred to full justification. 24 th
None. Matter 25 th
Common expenditures in each year covered in a five, seven thousand four hundred fifty-six real distributed in church functions and spending, pilgrimages, a preacher of Lent wages clerk, a surgeon, a watchmaker, mail, ministers, ringer, salary Depositary entreaño processions, public holidays, verederos of royal orders, demarcation of the term, costs of general beatings wolves, bridges, fountains composure, town halls, jail and other offices of the town, street and road repair, expense of peace and acting honors, estates, census, housing officers, judges, executioners, elections and qualifications of justice, repair of houses in the village, and testimony submitted by commanded by His Majesty and its courts, as every witness has accompanies.
26 th
pay annually to the convent of Our Father Saint Augustine of this town, a hundred copper coins from time immemorial to this part and the reason they can give more timely about it is that today the town has a tavern and houses were proper slaughter of Domingo Lopez, who was her neighbor , and his will made in twenty and one in November 1600 and eleven, under whose willingness died, he left on them an anniversary with the provision of these hundred reals and amenities or purposes that can not reach the town took this tax. Also
this town pays to the parish of her thirty-three reals fleece each year, and the reason for this can give you is that your principal redeemed Don Manuel Prieto Ledesma, current cure the town of Pine, and for emergencies the costumes of the militants took advantage of it the town, running the levy until today, however, that they have no scripture has it, so no particular mortgage and all testimony is presented.
27 th
pay in each year of actual taxes to His Majesty three thousand and four hundred ninety reais fleece in this way.
By the hundreds, one thousand five hundred fifty-nine real and nine coppers, and that of petty thefts, one thousand nine hundred and thirty reais and twenty-five coppers.
penalties for switching chamber and legal fees, sixty-seven reais.
For utensils no fixed point or have taken throughout the five-year history, but what they paid and delivered to the officers of the garrison of the fort, and paid by reason of straw that is regulated by utensils, leaving every year to seven reales more or less and no contributes nothing of the header of brandy.
28 th
The checkpoints are disposed of and belong to the Count of Benavente, as Count of Alba de Ready, lord of it, and do not know or have heard from their elders for what reason whatsoever and you are worth annually seven hundred twenty-six real . Also
paid to His Majesty for the ordinary and extraordinary service in every one year one thousand three hundred sixty-two real and thirty coppers.
29 th
There is a butcher, a grocery and tavern, the carnage occurs in every one year two thousand and forty-three and seventeen real coppers.
The grocery one thousand five hundred eighty-four real.
And the tavern, nine thousand nine hundred sixty-four actual testimony presented.
houses and censuses have going for the town (which are included in the aforementioned relationship that should give the Own Butler cited that goes to number twenty-three), two hundred and eight reais and sixteen coppers.
And the three stores of spices and fruit toresanas, two hundred fifty and four reales and twenty-seven coppers. Rents on land
the three hundred eighty-eight real and twenty coppers expressed in response twenty-three.
There are two special counters that do not produce anything.
has two houses for the City Tavern and the slaughterhouse that referred to at number twenty-six, that will even rent in the lease of supply. For the grocery
is homeless the Council and she served for the habitation of the supplier. 30 th
A Hospital that his income amounted to two hundred ducats a year, and the patronage of it corresponds to the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament in the parish of this town.
31 st 32 nd No
There is in this city a mayor who is Don Bartholome Chacón and Moya that goes in each one year three thousand and three hundred reales.
A clerk of the number that Don Francisco Quijano is worth it in every one year three thousand and three hundred real
A beam Minister Antonio Martín is it worth it in every one year three hundred seventy-six real.
A prison warden who is Francisco Olivera and it goes in one year every four real. Three attorneys
causes are Don Joseph Rodriguez, Don Nicholas and Don Diego Vara del Manzano who are useful to the year, the first real four and last two to one hundred reais each.
A constable who is Joseph Brown that goes in every three hundred and one years forty-three eighteen real coppers, who also serves as the factory of the provision of food in each one year five hundred and twenty five dollars.
An administrator of the tobacco revenue that Don Andres Arce is worth in every one year two thousand and five hundred reais.
An administrator of the income of saline that is Llona resident Joseph Zamora, which is worth in each one year two thousand and two hundred reals. Footnote
A landlord of tithes and their usefulness is considered one hundred and fifty reais. A meter of grain which is worth two hundred and twenty five dollars. A provider of the tavern that has utility and a hundred thousand reais. And they are Pedro Gallego, and Manuel Fraile Pedro Fidalgo.
A lieutenant of the round snuff customs and it is Avriolis Don Julian, which is worth in each one year two thousand and four hundred real.
Three guards on foot of such income and tobacco customs that one is Manuel Herrera, another and another Santos Patricio Martinez Garcia, who have the utility each year eight hundred twenty-five real. An administrator of primogeniture
Don Carlos Lopez Andres Ledesma it is worth it a year and a hundred thousand reais.
A forced the slaughter of meat that is Fernando Valdibieso that remains useful to the year one thousand and one hundred reais.
An administrator of the Count of Alba it is Don Pedro's Castle which is worth one year in every three thousand eight hundred and twenty five dollars.
A keeper of the forests of that county that is Don Francisco de Valdecañas that goes in each one year two thousand and two hundred reals. Two guards
under these mountains of the count that one is Paul Nogales and other Manuel Fernandez, who had better pray each year six hundred and twenty-one real.
A clerk of the income of that count in this town and its jurisdiction that is Lorenzo Alvarez has utility to year two thousand and two hundred reals.
A minister of such income of Count Antonio Sáez is it worth it in every one hundredth year reales.
There twenty-three weavers and clothiers utility clubs have each of the following: Manuel Vicente
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 300
Andres Villalba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 100
Ireland ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 600
Manuel Villalba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 300 John Zepeda
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 300
Joseph Martin Otero ... ... ... ... ... 1000
Francisco Martín Otero ... ... ... .. 1620
Alonso Garrido ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 120
Peter Leba ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 300
John May ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 600
Phelipe Chimeno ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 700
Andrés Pérez ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 250
Manuel Teso ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Báez 600
Cayetano ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 800
Antonio Páez ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 460 Josepha
Fraile ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 100 even under the Royal Order of the Board
Maria Granados ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 250
Luisa González ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 200
Mary Martin ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 100
Josepha Leal ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 200 Idem
Francisco Fernández ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 500
Francisco Vaez ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 700
Thomas Diéguez q. tamb a baker ... 400
Ten Emperaire utility with each year as follows:
Diego Alonso Well Quintas 600 300 300
Manuel Fernández Domingo Gonzalez Domingo Martín 600 400
Felipe Santiago Martín Rodríguez 700 850 400
Simon Martínez Wild Mouse Manuel Sarmiento 450 400
There are twenty carders who have utility each year the following amounts:
Juan Manuel Martín
Biendicho 800 640 350
Felipe Alonso Pérez Rodríguez Pedro de Tola
110 600 600
Francisco Olibera 700
Agustín Fernández Gaspar Pérez Fernando Chimeno
390 732 400
Eusebio Rodriguez Sunday Román Francisco Prieto
600 and 100
James Baker Ready ditto ditto 150
Manuel Alonso Santiago Prieto
350 400 500
Francisco Ignacio Gonzalez Romero
Sillvestre Mouse 360 \u200b\u200b000 500
Felipe Leal
There are twelve weavers of linen with income each year as follows:
Alonso Fernández Gaspar 250
Joseph Nicolas Vicente Fernandez 600 900 100
Juan Perez Juan Serrano 200
Sunday Caballero Gómez 800 500 100
Sunday Vincent Joseph Bueno 150 650
Francisco Vicente Francisco de la Torre and teacher of children Idem 500
There is an apothecary and three surgeons were considered useful to each year as follows: Martin Cabezudo apothecary
Miguel Granados 1,650 1,500 2,000
Juan Roque Gallego Santos Idem 50
Five tailors are useful year each of the following:
Francisco Santiago Francisco de Silba
800 150 1100
Joseph Pascual Romero Melgar
650 600 Weaver Joseph Long
There are four carpenters, road and utility assembly that has each year as follows: Rod Carpenter
Pedro Manuel Pérez ditto
500 800 800
road Sunday Páez Felipe Garcia assembly
1,650 three blacksmiths and farriers that have utility each year as follows: Antonio Martín blacksmith
Diego 1,000 1,400 Long ditto Thomas Perez farrier
Seven hortolanos utility with a year as follows: 280
Francisco Manuel Gago Jacinto López Camacho
380 300 360
Francisco Domínguez Francisco López 600
Felipe Felipe Zepeda 300 100
Well baker Two fishermen have utility each year as follows: Joseph Chimeno
Miguel Balcazar 90
Two shoemakers have utility each year as follows: Miguel Alonso
Joseph River 900 600
There are twelve bakers and bakers have utility each year as follows: 90
Juan Pedro Ribas Mathias
Gallego 550 550 400
Matheo Salvador Joseph Martin 600
Pedro Crespo Joseph Cavez
650 500 60
Pedro María Fernández María Olibera
50 330 300
Manuel María Martín Cloth manufacturer Vicente Felipe Bueno
800 000
baker miller 000
Andrés Rodríguez
There are twenty and a baker, and bakers, who have to use each year following Thomas
Ignacio García Prieto
600 200 200
Manuel Domingo Rodríguez Colino Carlos Rodrigo 600 300
cloth maker Thomas Diéguez
Diego Well emperarire 100 300 100
Francisco Prieto carder Ready
Santiago Manuel Alonso
ditto ditto 150 250
Francisco López Manuel Gallego Manuel Colino
ditto ditto 200 200
Bartholomé Alonso Fernández Rodríguez
220 366
Phelipe Well 300
Conde Minister Antonio Páez
Sunday Monteso 100 700 100
Maria Sarda Thomas Sebastian Fraile Vicente
400 400
Three millers have utility each year following Simon Mathias
the usefulness of the mill
for being his own self serving
1392 Andrés Rodríguez Martín Mateo
700 500
There are a provider of butchers, who is Fernando Baldibieso, and is considered a year and a hundred thousand reales.
Note. This item is duplicated.
There are two teachers of children are Francisco de la Torre is considered by weaving linen and was considered useful to year four reales, and Francisco Fernández consider him another four reales. Two shopkeepers
spices and jewelry that one is Bernarda Alonso is included in the peasant class and is considered useful to the year one hundred and eighty reales, and the other Agustín Fernández is considered useful year thousand reales.
Note. The thousand real that you will Agustín Fernández considered are the use of spices and grocer grocery provider, by half.
There is a boatman, a camp guard, a cattle guard and a tablaxero sow, which they considered useful year to each of the following quantities. Juan Alonso boatman
Francisco Blanco guard field 600
Fernández Alonso won bristle guard Andre Perez butcher
150 800
A sacristan is considerate of the cloth traders and is considered useful to the actual six hundred years fleece. Two waiters
that one is going Domingo González considered Emperaire class and is considered useful to rv hundred years. The other
Jacinta Garcia, widow, who has five hundred a year profit and ten reales. 33 rd
A chief constable of the town, a minister of the income of the count, and two guards of mountains of the same count, they are considered to wage a day three reales.
Note. There is a staff minister, a prison warden, a prosecutor and three keepers of the receipt of millions and each is considered to wage a day three reales.
There are sixteen clothiers clubs that are considered to wage a day three reales. And while in the background chapter is said there are twenty-three, is that Alonso Garrido and Antonio Paez will be considered in the class of laborers, and the remaining five were widows. Ten Emperaire
they are considered useful or daily wage three reales. There are twenty carders
they are considered of wages per day three reales. Ten
canvases weavers and three others are considered real daily wages, and although in the background are nominated chapter twelve, depending on which Domingo and Joseph Vincent van Well regarded in the class of farmers.
There is an apothecary and three surgeons were considered wages to day four reales. Three tailors
they are considered to wage a day three copper coins, and although in the background are nominated chapter five, dependent on Francisco de Silva is included in the class of laborers, and Joseph Long in the weaver of linen .
There are two carpenters, a wheelwright and builder altarpiece of wages are considered the first three days, three copper coins, and the assembler four.
There is a blacksmith and a farrier who are considered for hire on day three copper coins, and even in chapter history are nominated two blacksmiths, depends Antonio Martín is considered in the peasant class. Five hortolanos
they are considered for hire on day three copper coins, and even history in chapter seven are placed depends on what Jacinto Camacho and Francisco Dominguez are included in the class of farmers.
Two fishermen's wages are considered day three reales. Two shoemakers
them daily wage considered three reales. Four bakers
they are considered for hire on day three and although copper coins in history are said chapter twelve, depending on which John Mosque, Pedro Gallego, Mathias Matheo Salvador Ribas and will be considered in the class of farmers, Manuel Vicente in the manufacturer of cloth, and the remaining three are widowed.
There are twelve bakers who are considered for hire on day three copper coins, and though history is chapter twenty-one relationship depends on which Thomas Diéguez is included in class manufacturer of cloth, Diego Well of Emperaire, Francisco Prieto, Santiago Ready and Manuel Alonso of carders, Francisco López and Manuel in the hortolanos Colino, Andrés Rodríguez in millers, Antonio Paez with county employees and Maria Sarda in widows. Three millers
they are considered useful for daily wage three reales. A provider
butchers of wages is considered day three reales.
There is a teacher of children is what Francisco Fernandez of wages is considered day three reales and although in the background chapter relate two depends on which Francisco de la Torre is in Class weaver. A shopkeeper
spices and jewelry that is considered to wage a day three reales.
There is a cowboy, a camp guard, a cattle guard and a butcher pig, which in the first three are considered two day real wages, and the last three.
34 th
There are sixty farmers, some till lease land from church and lay and pay for each load of soil from three species, a chamfer of wheat and rye in half, which leases land under and church are made verbally, touted coming out of high mass a holiday, being finished in the highest bidder. And the utility that the tenant may be stated that since no leases are split first, second and third grade, they can consider what corresponds to the charge of each species but may be considered annually by each utility for which the average load till bread, half wheat and rye, and the owner cited income.
35 th
There are sixty tenants who are considered to pay the day four reales, and twenty-five laborers and forty-one servants helpful they are considered the three reales. 36 th
poor Eleven of solemnity, even eight widows, their families are inserted in the neighborhood.
37 th 38 th No
The parish priest and two clerics.
39 th
There is a religious convent of the order of Nuestro Padre San Agustín Calzada, who has four religious.
40 th
And for the record the above related being arranged into all truth and seriousness, was signed by those who knew and those without a witness and worship together with the parish priest and I the scribe in the proof. Joseph Garcia Nabalón - Don Juan de Aranda and Tabares - John Moran - Andrés Gago - Juan Serrano - Joseph Vincent - Gregory Albarez - Manuel Calvo - Witness Joseph Rodriguez - Pedro Gazapo - Witness Francisco de Herrera - Before me - Miguel Rodriguez de Castro.
copy of your original is left in the Accounts Main branch of the Single Tax to my charge that Zamora certify in thirty of Hener of 1754. Miguel de Altarriba
Posted by F.
Ramos at 10:30 Tags: Carbajales, cadastre, cove
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