Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Letter Stating That We Are Breaking Our Lease

vs Art. Eating

Carla Molina Photo the Pavón prison during celebrations in October 2009. Parasol Mary made a great show, attended by many artists, I was master of ceremonies and baptized a group of Tex Mex ..

About the commemoration of October , a columnist asks What if instead of bringing the painting by Diego Rivera attended the thousands and thousands of hungry children? The last year at this same time came a similar question. A series of notes at Free Press claimed that the Government would spend the holidays Q7 million in October, not famine Seco Corridor. In reality the figure offered by the National Reparations whence came the initiative, was less than 1.000 Q1.5 million to produce free events for 10 days in 22 departments. Mice scared of what to say or maybe smart as lynx, the leaders of the PNR publicly withdrew one week before the start of the festival and spoke to restructure the budget, but not cancel the event. They said they would pay the fees of those who had been hired and were working. You would think an event that requires much time and effort to perform, not the result of improvisation, but part of cultural policy objectives clear and properly budgeted and that its implementation does not depend on a political humor or disapproval of a company.

October Festivities held worthy, miraculously thanks to dozens of artists and professionals with word and commitment. A year later, still have many fees PNR. Challenge to the journalist who published the fallacy of the Q7 million to investigate where the money is "saved" from falling into the clutches of art and culture, how many children were saved from starvation to salaries and fees not paid to artists and cultural managers who worked in October Festivities? Restructuring
the first question, what if instead of stealing, embezzlement or tax evasion redress of hunger? I'm sure that would reach up to bring the Guernica.

(Wrestling posted on October 20, 2010 in elPeriódico)


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