Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Hang Tab Top Curtains On A Rail

My fight is pure alternative Mula

Photo courtesy of: Kurt Zierlein.

not everyday I can say that part of my life is projected on a giant screen with original soundtrack. Yes, there are Guatemalans in theaters night and early mornings in short sleepers and long jump. The passing between the test and the tap (which is not the same concert) Friday, Latona, Bohemia, Fables at The Gallery, Café Oro, Pie Wool or La Bodeguita. "Alternative rock history in Guatemala" is a documentary, but focuses on the boom of the nineties bands, also shows the history in the 60's, 70's and 80's. And the difficult path of the musician (and artist in general) in the banana republic of the boot and cassock.
seems like yesterday but it is history of last century. If ever I was close to inflate with pride or feeling of belonging to a homeland was Moshe a rock concert. And if there was a party by the end of the war in Guatemala that was the concert of Expression Freedom Now! in December 1994, two years before the signing protocol. Hedgehog I only remember our hope, innocence and happiness when we celebrated the promise of a life without war and we as the cause of peace.
What I am today, what I like and what scares me, my chosen family, my values \u200b\u200bof solidarity and friendship and to my vices rooted in the concerts were forged in the trash attack, rock, dancing, chatting, filling entire notebooks with poetry, drawings and stories, while we dreamed of changing the country. Something
passed and nothing changed in the country. But to me, gave me the alternative rock of a different life, more genuine, more sincere and cheerful. Long live rock! And the film, which today serves to tell this story!


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