Friday, March 25, 2011

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Eguna Gazte Ekialdeko VII.

Irunberri (Nafarroa)
Martxoak 26.
12:00 Motozerra emanaldia plazan.
14:00 Bazkaria
17:00 Antifaxismoari buruzko hitzaldia frontoian.
19:00 Kelejira elektrotxarangarekin.
20:30 Manifestazioa kale nagusitik.
22:00 Afaria frontoian.
00:00 Kontzertuak
... eta gero DJ Elektromakarrak.

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Manifestazioa; Gerra inperialistarik ez! Antifa

No a la guerra, otra vez

Martxoaren 26an Larunbata, 18:00etan
Arriaga Plazatik (Bilbo * Bizkaia)

Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, Kem/Moc, Komite internazionalistak, Sare Antifaxista.

Gerra inperialistarik ez !.
Ekialdeko potentziek NBEren agindupean Libian buruturiko eraso militarren aurrean, Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, KEM-MOC, Komite Internazionalistak eta Sare antifaxista taldeok honakoa adierazi nahi dugu:
- Europar Batasuneko estatuek eta AEBek NBEren oniritzi hipokritarekin hasitako gerra salatzen dugu. Gatazkaren soluzio-bide honen ondorioak, beti bezala, populazio zibilak bere heriotza, sarraski eta miseriarekin ordainduko baititu.
-Lehenagotik estatu hauek gatazka honetan edukitako jokabidea salatzen dugu, zeinetan interes ekonomiko eta geo-estrategikoak estatu hauek defendatzen omen dituzten bake eta demokraziaren gainetik jarriak izan diren. Zentzu honetan,  espainiar estatuaren jokabidea azpimarratu nahi dugu,  2010eko lehen seihilekoan 6.8 milioi eurotan baloratutako material militarra esportatu baitzuen Libiara. Gertuko adibide da, baita ere ITP euskal enpresa, iaz Libiarekin hegazkin militarren mantenu eta konponketarako lankidetza akordioa sinatu zuena.
-Aurreko eraso batzuk (Irak, Afganistán) gogorarazten dituen eta helburutzat energia iturrien gaineko(gasa, petroleoa)  interes ekonomikoen kontrola mantentzea duen eta berriro ere eraso inperialista gisa datorren nazioarteko esku-sartze hau salatzen dugu. Epe motzerako pentsaera arduragabez baliabide naturalen espoliazioan oinarritutako kontsumo eredu kapitalista defendatzeko gerra da hau.
Jendarte zibilari dei egiten diogu hau guztia sala dezan hurrengo larunbatean, martxoaren 26an, 18:00tan Bilboko Arriaga Plazatik abiatuko den manifestazioan.

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eguna Irune

Mugitu zaitez !!
XXI. mendeko faxismoaren aurka...
Irun, Martxoak 26

* Antifa bermouth. Goizeko 11:00etan Peña kalean (Mosku auzoa, Irun * Gipuzkoa).
* Kalejira: 13:30etan Moskutik Gaztetxera.
* Bazkari herrikoia. Lakaxita Gaztetxean 14:30etan.
Tketak 12€ (Bazkaria + kontzertua), Sunbillan eta Haizian.
* Antifa Rock Gaua:
Lakaxitan arratsaldeko 19:00etan, 5€
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... DJ eta gero. Leku & DJ. Dwarf

Aurrera neska mutilak eta!

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"There is no place for utopia in his field have built shopping centers."
Fernando Zaragoza ApoA is that, after leaving El Corazón del Sapo, one of the most esteemed bands jarkore the state, moved to Irun, where he lives, to be Kuraia the new vocalist, the group was overwhelmed both with their music, as well as the scenic and communication capacity of Fernando "Apo." After the disappearance of Kuraia, Estricalla emerged, presenting this Saturday at Irun his new album, 'Olympic Fire' Antifascist at a festival ....

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1 d'Abril, Jornáa escontra racist propaganda. The Anti-Fascist

Coordinaora of Anti-Fascist Anti-Fascist Cantabria
Jornáa escontra racist propaganda
April 1 / Santander
19:30 Focus on Post Plaza.
20:00 pm Popular xenophobic posters torn.
21:30 h. Racist party (with DJ and MC) in the Llar Mozu (General Dávila n º 49)
-profit prices for popular and racist material.

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Coordinaora Cantabria denounces the racist propaganda that plagues the streets with impunity and announces a popular initiative for removal. Donostia

Anti-Fascist Cantabria Coordinaora
The CAC, which brings together anti-fascist groups Cantabria, warns of escalation of propaganda of such xenophobic, racist and fascist who is appearing in Cantabria in recent times with the complicity of the institutions.
As has occurred in cycles throughout history, when the capitalist system leads to a crisis, it is made payable to the classes and use the far right as a shock force to prevent reactions. The situation that we now live in Cantabria responds to this pattern: while suffering brutal cuts in labor rights and freedoms, politicians, businessmen and media at their service, are promoting the establishment and growth of right-wing groups like the Falange National Front or neo-Nazi "National Democracy", to try to intimidate social movements and divide workers. Turning to the immigrants the scapegoats of the crisis, fascism in diverting attention from the responsibility of bankers and politicians in the crisis to the most disadvantaged.
The CAC noted the example of the impunity with which the extreme right and xenophobic plague of illegal billboards in the streets of Santander, while the City Council president De la Serna pursues social movements cultural or environmental, as well as the continuing transfer of municipal public spaces, such as the Cultural Center Dr. Madrazo-owned or corporate-like Torlavega Chamber of Commerce or the Coliseum Hotel Sananda to carry out far-right acts. We also note the permissiveness of the Government Delegation to xenophobic type calls which promotes hatred and intolerance.
Fascism, makeup, democratic, with simplistic and misleading messages, feeds on the passivity of a society that caused the crisis ignorant and fleecy want. From the Anti-Fascist Coordinaora of Cantabria we long warned of complacency between power and fascism as well as the need for the Cantabrian society is organized to face these. We can not stand seeing their fascist point and threaten weaker than those who pull the strings, the real culprits go scot-free once again.
Given the permissiveness of the institutions, we call tod @ sl @ s Cantabria, regardless of origin, a day against racist propaganda Sananda. On Friday 1 April at 19:30, went to the Plaza de Correos to concentrate and show your rejection of racism, people involved in the withdrawal of the xenophobic propaganda and celebrate at a party which will conclude the day from the 21 : 30 h. in Mozu Llar Discharge (No. 49).

First Anti-Fascist Cantabria
Calter limoias the phone callis of racist propaganda.

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in crisis pay 6.2 million to the Spanish Defense Ministry, for the lands of Lore-Toki.

Donostia * EH Land of military stud (site of 37.3 hectares) located in the neighborhood Rekalde San Sebastian, next to the Chillida-Leku museum, will cost vegan Donostia vecinxs 6 2 million euros. Elorza
felt that economic conditions agreed "absolutely fair" and pay "very appropriate to the economic potential of this City Council today." The purchase of the property is made within a maximum period of ten years, and some may be paid with municipal land.
According to the document signed yesterday, half the price (up to 3.1 million euros) may be paid "in kind". For this, the Hall has prepared a list of soils that have offered to Defence as part of the price to pay for Lore Toki. The Ministry will examine the relationship of land to determine their interest, then assessed and finally selected soils be negotiated these potential acquisitions.

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The "well paid" the lotus in Bilbo. Acts

With this type of action, reminiscent of the political class who want their "piece of the pie." Thousands of honradxs
ciudadanxs have suffered the consequences of this brutal action of blackmail. Bilbo

* EH
car caravans have left Leioa, Basauri Sestao and "a very slow speed" have come together in Bilbo, ride 10 km horn jams. Neither
uniformed elements of the CAV ESF, nor those of the municipal police service Bilbo, have acted against them.
Many of the cars used were performed, with tuition covered. New illegal act, played by some elements of "well paid", which shows the inpugnidad in which they operated.
In this way, trying to put pressure on Adolf Ares, to receive new privileges and prevend. After the course
'successful' Day Parade March 15 in Bilbo, attended by more than 3,000 elements of the body repressive chose not to "stop pushing until it ceases to impose and enact ordinances and resolutions, to think again and feel." Today 800 of them, have bundled at Bilbo.

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Sartaguda historical memory in April 2011.

Historical Memory in the House of Culture organize Memoriaren
Sartaguda Bideak, Eguzki Bideoak and the Institute of Uztariz
Sartaguda * EH

April 8. 19:00 pm Remember prohibited. Documentary
Republican women prisoners in jail Saturraran. 1,700 Carcelcon internal 'stacked', run by nuns, in which it was to separate mothers from their children to give them up for adoption, and other horrors and torture suffered by prisoners.

April 12. 20.00 h. Buñuel. Summer 1936. From hope to horror.
Book Presentation by author: Pedro José French.

April 15. 19.00 hours it took us all.
Documentary about the expropriation of property and land to the Republicans. Dedicated to those who suffered economic repression of fascism by the seizure and plunder of their property under, inter alia, the Law of Political Responsibilities. Egilaz research has had five historians and the direct testimony of reprisals from nine towns in Navarra. Introducing "We removed it all" and of 827 km of no return.

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"Forbidden to remember," 1937-1944 Saturraran prison. Manresa

Caparroso * A former luxury spa, conference and eventually become a prison, located on the beach Saturraran (Mutriku), housed one of the largest and cruelest prisons in the Franco regime. Saturraran became a prison of women classified as "extremely rebellious and dangerous." Two thousand Republican women aged 16 to 80 years and from all parts of the English State, were imprisoned between 1937 and 1944.

March 25, 2011, Caparroso (Navarre). 20:00 House of Culture.

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vote a motion to request that the Civil Guard

not want them in Manresa, or the rest of the Catalan
Full reminisces undemocratic and fascist, the Guardia Civil.

Manresa * Paisos Catalans

The Plenary Hall of Manresa has decided to 'invite' to the Guardia Civil to leave the city. The motion proposed by the CUP has had the votes in favor of ERC, ICV-EUiA and CiU, and Spain's Union votes against the radical (P $ C and PP). The arguments of the CUP are that it is necessary that there are four police Manresa and the police must be directed from Catalunya and the Catalan institutions. He also remembered the past undemocratic Fascist and Civil Guard. Finally convert the proposed repressive corps headquarters in municipal facilities and housing.

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go Meirás The Manor held by Franco, finally opens to the Galician people.

Meirás * Rep
Witness Galiza stays Franco family summer and before literary retreat of the Galician writer Emilia Pardo Bazán, to date, the manor has been closed Meirás lime and singing. Today Friday, March 25, some of its secrets are finally exposed to the Galician people, under an agreement reached between the regional government and its owners has aroused no little criticism.
left behind years of negotiations with the heirs of the property, "donated" the village of Meir's family and genocidal fascist dictator, F. Franco, as a summer residence in 1938. The manor, declared of Cultural Interest in 2008, will be open on Friday of each month in guided tours of one hour and which is only accessible to certain rooms, under the provisions of the Convention.

A donation to a high price ...

The return of the manor to the people is a matter claimed as compensation for dispossession which was the donation of the historic building and land to General Franco by the parish of Meir. Dozens of families were forcibly expropriated and compensated with small amounts of money or in some cases, without benefit.
To duplicate the land that housed the manor and offer it to Franco as a gift ", was established Pro Manor Provincial Board led by the Leader of the civil governor of A Coruña, Julio Muñoz and the banker Pedro Barrie de la Maza. Acquired the family property Pardo Bazán and began the task of upgrading and expanding the field.
To finance this 'feat' was used money from citizens and public institutions in a "campaign of subscription" with donations that ranged from 25 cents to 400 pesetas. This amount is delivered on a voluntary or payroll deducted of staff employed. Expanding the walls of Meirás swept land and housing dozens of peasants, who were taken to a notary Betanzos to formalize the change of ownership.
The total number amounted to 400,000 pesetas and in the operation included the manor house with the furniture bequeathed by Emilia Pardo Bazán and about three acres and a refurbishment and extension of the track leading to the entrance of the property. In the city of Oleiros and Sada are still some of the bills as presented by management to Meir. In total, the consistory of the province accounted for more than a million pesetas which, added to the mortgage that the manor had with the Banco Pastor, results in about two million pesetas, a very high figure by then.
Some experts say it could be a "misappropriation" and that international agencies should act, "Typically, when Franco died the manor galego pass the national heritage."

The CRMH of A Coruña distributed leaflets calling for Friday return of Pazo de Meirás ... CRMH

will split this Friday at 11.30 am in the entrance of the Manor of Meir, in the town of Sada Coruna, brochures to people who visit, coinciding with opening to the public.
The booklet of eight pages, is divided into five sections, one on the Franco dictatorship which qualifies as a "criminal regime", another on the acquisition of the Manor of Meir and the revolutionary tax, 1938 "and a third entitled "A theft continued."
also includes two other deals in which the statement of the Manor of Meir as a Cultural (BIC) and holding that the Xunta de Galicia "defending the interests of the dictator's family" and other and last, the return claiming "the people of what the people."
Also included is a photo of the first civic march their return, organized by CRMH in November 2005 and a receipt from qualifying as "revolutionary tax." Furthermore, this body moves that carry the same banner that headed all protest actions over the past five years around the building with the text "Return." CRMH
made this industrial action "as all organized by the CRMH, peacefully and respecting the entry of people who want to visit the stately home."

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"Otsoaren hats" Laburmetraia mahaingurua eta. Tele7

"Otsoaren hats" estreinaldia Laburmetraia-ren.
Apirilaren 7AN, Osteguna, 19:00 an.
Tokyo Stock Exchange, 10 ZBK
kalea Pilot (Alde Zaharra, Bilbo * Bizkaia).

Laudiar batzuen artean, Goikogane mendian egindako lana.
24 minutuko irapena dauka.
Zuzendaria eta gidoilaria: Juan Angel Lekanda
Eta aktoreen artean, Pirulero bat: Javi Rodriguez

* Jatorrizko bertsioa euskeraz eta gaztelaniaz subtitulatua
* Version original en euskera y subtitulada en castellano

Berak Laburpen hau bidali digu:
"1937ko udaberrirako, honez gero Gerra Zibilak bere aztarna odoltsua utzia zuen Euskal Herrian. Euskal defentsarako eraikitako lubakietariko batean gudari talde bat faxisten sarrera oztopatzen saiatzen ari zen.
Ausardia, adiskidetasuna eta sufrimenduzko istorio bat."
Egingo den ekitaldian Gerra Zibilaren ondorioak jasan zituzten laudioarrei zenbait omenaldi eskeiniko zaie bat ere.

"Otsoaren Hats» reconstructs the experiences of a group of gudaris in the trenches in 1936.
Set in the spring of 1937, in full military battle of the War of 1936-1939, the film dramatically tells the adventures of a group of Basque fighters from one of the trenches built for the defense of Bilbo try to hinder the advance of troops who had risen against the legitimate government.
This is a delivery history, friendship, suffering shot in natural enclave Goikogane, on land belonging to the municipality of Laudio (Araba) where you can still find remnants Belt de Hierro que se construyó para evitar la entrada de las fuerzas franquistas en la capital Bizkaitarra. Además, los actores son vecinos de la comarca, la mayor parte de ellos noveles.
El estreno del corto «Otsoaren hatsa» servirá también para abrir un coloquio en el que participaran Juan Angel Lekanda (director del corto) y varios miembros de Lau Haizetara Gogoan.

Trailer eta guztiz daukate, eta itxura benetan ederra:

"Otsoaren hatsa" film laburra grabatu dute Laudioko hainbat herritarrek Goikoganeko lubakietan. Gerra Zibilean girotutako lan honen zuzendari eta gidoilaria Juan Angel Lekanda izan da. Datorren Apirilaren 7an estreinatuko da 'La Bolsa' Udaltegia (Bilbon).

Antolatzailea: Lau Haizetara Gogoan
"Egia, justizia, eta erreparazioa, ez errepikatzeko bermeak barne".

CNT Bilbo, Sare Antifaxista

"Otsoaren hatsa" Laburmetraia
Gidoia eta Zuzendaritza: Juan Angel Lekanda
Martin: Ieltxu Orueta

Tenientea: Juan Angel Lekanda
Sarjentua: Javi Rodriguez
Ezekiel: Xabier Zaballa
Gudariak: Txutxi Sánchez, Txema Abin, Eneko Etxebarria, Kosme Lekanda, Txili Olabarrieta

Argazki-zuzendaria eta kamara: Esteban Zurimendi
Muntaketa / edizioa: Esteban Zurimendi, Juan Angel Lekanda
Soinua: Aritz Lili, Eneko Etxebarria
Efektu bereziak: Txema Abin
Makilajea: Irati Lekanda
Skripta: Javi Rodriguez
Hizkuntza aholkularia: Felix Mugurutza
Gidaria: Kosme Lekanda
Ekoizleak: Unax Lekanda, Belen Izaga
Jatorrizko soinu banda: Victor Alamo

Erabilitako beste kantak “Iron Shell” (DigitaLegal) Greendjohn, Powered by JAMENDO
“Angel´s Redemption” (Aeon) Celestial Aeon Project, Powered by JAMENDO
Argazkiak: Irargi, Kultura Saila, Eusko Jaurlaritza, Pantaleon Lekanda

Eskerrak lagundu diguten guztiei:
Alfredo Irusta, Iñaki Egaña, Jimi Jimenez (Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea), Joseba Dieguez, Roberto Kerexeta, Asier Altuna, Jose Duarte, Eguzki Mâlain.

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deliver the short 'The last day of the Iron belt' in April. Racism punched

Tele7 broadcast the film "The last day of the Iron Belt, produced and performed by Incromedia with the controversial 'Recreation Association Historic beurk Sancho." Incromedia and Sinestrari
Films, frame the short film made in the "war themes."

Barakaldo * EH
After more than discrete premiere the short film 'The last day of the Iron belt' (part of the 'war-themed' according Incromedia and Sinestrari Films), last March 8 at the library Bidebarrieta (Bilbo), Tele7 be offered for broadcast.
for issuance, the chain has projected the completion of a program on the Iron Belt, its importance and its conservation, where members of the controversial intervene 'Association beurk Sancho. " In addition, technical staff will attend, to tell the secrets and the experience of shooting and explain how they made different action scenes that are included in the short film.

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Roberto Carlos.

An ultra Zenit, he offered a banana to Brazil. The club promised to investigate and then said it would suspend the Ultra by life.
"Having received the 'heat' of the ultra Southern R. Madrid, it's cold in Russia now."

Moscow Russia * Rep
An ultra club Zenit, Russia, is "mocked" by the Brazilian Roberto Carlos giving a banana before the game against Anzhi Makhachkala, where he plays the side.
The Russian club said it would investigate the incident clearly racist. "The club will investigate this act by the police. Again we recall that we do not tolerate no room for racial intolerance."
"Such has been revoked the right to purchase vouchers and tickets to matches, Zenit. We'll do everything possible to prevent access to the stadium by other means ".
is not the first time that such an act occurs in Russia. In 2008, the club had to pay $ 58 000 when his supporters threw bananas and imitated monkey noises at black players against three of the Olympique de Marseille.

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"Ahaztuen Oroimena, Markiñaldeko Frentea" right-wing elements

Markina Durango and pay homage to those killed during the Civil War

Akerbeltz Gaztetxe, Markina-Xemein * EH
Gaztetxe In the Markina-Xemein Akerbeltz presented at today, from the 18.30 'Ahaztuen Oroimena, Markiñaldeko Frentea. "Furthermore, in Durango recall the 74 th anniversary of this town with various activities. So, on Wednesday," Day of memory ', slide shows and talks will be based on photographs of the era that will start from 19.30. The next day he will honor victims of war in the cemetery, 12.00, and in the portico of Santa Maria, 20.00.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

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defend the chapel of the University of Valencia. Euskal Herria

The public university of Navarre also has a chapel dedicated to the worship of the Catholic cult.

Valencia * Paisos Catalans
The call for a protest by the existence of a chapel in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia ended today with an exchange of accusations between supporters of the closure of these places of worship and extreme elements of the English right.
The protest rally against the chapel, originally convened over the Internet, has failed to occur eventually, after a hundred far-right elements have come to the site of the call, across from the School of Medicine Avenue Blasco Ibáñez, to defend the worship of the Catholic cult.
The ESF English, alerted by the call in the network, four students have demanded be closed after the chapels be identified because the concentration was not authorized, which has the proponents of the cult of the Catholic sect emboldened. Before
the arrival of the closing party responsible for the chapel have tried to prevent access to its interior, so they have closed the doors and have hung a poster that read "Today, Thursday 24 March, the Chapel of the Hospital Clinic will be closed. Sorry for the inconvenience. "
The initial announcement of the merger meant "defending a secular state" and that it was incompatible with the existence of chapels in "public places", explained one of the people opposed to these places of worship. The event
have expressed solidarity with the activists who have been called to testify by the English National Police by the last eruption in a chapel on 10 Somosaguas campus of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) of fifty people, some of which were stripped from the waist up.
For its part, the University of Valencia stated, in a statement that the academic institution "does not manage any space devoted to the worship of any religion", as the chapel of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry in the hands of the Department for Health since 1987.

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Antifaxista (Breizh).

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Nazis convicted, received probation.

Because membership in the Nazi group Blood & Honour, two elements were sentenced to prison. RAC concerts were organized.

Berlin * Germany Rep
Two Nazi Blood & Honour, who were convicted, received probation for the Regional Court of Karlsruhe. In Karlsruhe, 38, leader of the group, received a total sentence of 14 months, Mannheim 41-year-old was sentenced to six months. Their sentences were suspended.
national security division of the district court considered proven that the accused members of the group organized as Blood & Honor musika concert RAC. He also participated in meetings of Blood & Honour and have had contacts with other Nazi-fascists.
The German section of Blood & Honour and its youth organization White Youth was banned in September 2000 by then German Interior Minister. The assets of two Nazi organizations were seized. Many members, however, under the new name of Division 28 are still active. Its purpose is to coordinate, among other things, the concerts of music by groups RAC. His idiologia are based on the NSDAP Nazi Party program of Hitler, founded in 1924.

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"Interest ekonomikoei eusteko Gerra da"

Libiako eraso militarraren aurkako agerraldia egin dute Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, KEM, Komite Internazionalistak eta Sare Antifaxistak elkarteek, Bilbon. Larunbaterako manifestazioa deitu dute.

Berria * E.H
Askapena, Ekologistak Martxan, Kakitzat, KEM, Komite Internazionalistak eta Sare Antifaxistak elkarteek mendebaldeko indarrek Libian egindako eraso militarra gaitzetsi dute, Bilbon egindako agerraldian. Lurrean hildako hainbat pertsona irudikatzen zituzten bitartean, “interes ekonomikoen kontrolari eustea helburu duen esku-sartzea” salatu dute.
Europako Batasunak AEBen eta Nazio Batuen oniritzi “hipokritarekin” hasitako gerraren ondorioak, "beti bezala" populazio zibilak pairatuko dituela adierazi dute elkarte haiek. Hala, aurretik emandako erasoak gogora ekarri dituzte; Afganistangoa eta Irakekoa, kasu.
Espainiako Estatuak Libiari 2010eko lehen seihilekoan 6,8 milioi eurotan baloratutako material militarra esportatu ziola esan dute.
Manifestazioa egingo dute larunbatean, Bilbon (18:00, Arriaga plaza).

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"I think there were no gas chambers."

El obispo británico negacionista del Holocauso nazi será juzgado este verano en Alemania.
El nazi Joseph Ratzinger (alias Benedicto XVI) como jefe de la secta catolica de Roma, levantó su excomunión en 2009.

Berlin * Germany
Rep Bishop Richard Williamson, known for his statements Holocaust deniers and ultra-conservative member of the Brotherhood of Pius, will be tried this summer in Germany for incitement to racial hatred. Regensburg
Hearing announced today the start of the proceedings against Bishop LeFebvrists and set a date for the 4th of July.
The trial for statements he made to a Scandinavian broadcaster should have been held last November but had to be postponed because the defendant changed counsel and new counsel needed time to hear the proceedings.
"I think the historical evidence speaks strongly against that six million Jews were gassed intentionally in the gas chambers as a strategy of Adolf Hitler treacherous. I believe there were gas chambers, "Williamson said in that interview.
Because the interview was conducted in the seminar priest of the Brotherhood of Pius X in the town of Zaitzkofen, with Regensburg, is the righteousness of the latter city which should be prosecuted Williamson.
A lower court sentenced the bishop of 71 years old in April 2010 to a € 10,000 fine for inciting racial hatred by these statements, ruling that turned against both the convicted and the prosecution.
The Nazi Joseph Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI) as head of the Catholic sect Rome, raised in January 2009 the excommunication against Williamson and three other bishops of the Brotherhood of Pius X founded by the late Bishop Marcel Lefebvre ultraconservative, and allowed re-entry into the Catholic Church.
papal decision coincided with the publication of the controversial interview with Williamson, which brought heavy criticism of the Vatican and made the Nazi Joseph Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI) acknowledged that he knew the statements of Holocaust deniers when he announced he raised his excommunication .
Williamson's new trial has raised expectations and that has engaged the services of a notorious Nazi tendencies lawyer for his defense before the German justice.
Williamson has chosen to direct his defense Nahrath Wolfram, a notorious member of the German far right, member of the Nazi-fascist Nacionaldemócrata Party (NPD) and the last chief of the banned Nazi-fascist youth organization "Wiking Jugend."

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They ask for six years in prison for criminal Nazi Demjanjuk. TEVES

Rep Germany Bavaria *
After 16 months of trial, the Prosecutor of Munich has requested a sentence of six years in prison for Nazi war criminal John Demjanjkuk 90 years for complicity in 27,900 Jews killed in the Sobibor extermination camp in occupied Poland during World War II
"We do not demand revenge but justice on behalf of those killed, "he told the Munich Court lawyer Kleidermann Rolf, who, like other lawyers, criticized the defense of Nazi war criminal for trying to achieve" freedom at any cost ".
After 16 months 86 sessions Demjanjuk process in which not even once went to court and remained impassive lying on a gurney, covered always with a blanket and a hat to hide his face.
Frequent sickness absence of the accused and maneuvers to delay the process by his defense had threatened to perpetuate a trial expected to end and in a few weeks with a jury verdict.
A Demjanjuk (born in Ukraine, recruited by the Soviet Army in 1942 and captured by the Nazis as an enemy soldier) is charged with complicity in the deaths of 27,900 Jews in Sobibor (formerly occupied Poland), where he worked as a park volunteer.
In the 1950 he emigrated to the U.S. as a victim of Nazism, as a former prisoner, he changed his first name, Ivan, by John and became an American citizen.
In 1975 he was identified as a suspected Nazi criminal was extradited to Israel, where he was tried as the alleged "Ivan the Terrible" of Treblinka and was sentenced to death by hanging in 1988.
After five years on death row were overturned the conviction, to be identified as "Ivan the Terrible "to another Ukrainian, Ivan Marchenko.
returned to the U.S., which had withdrawn citizenship, but where he continued to live as a stateless person having his family there.
The Munich prosecutor reopened the record in 2008, underpinned a record that identified him as a so-called "Trawniki" known for his extreme cruelty.
After a long tug of war, exhausted all appeals before the U.S. Justice was delivered in May 2009 to Germany, where trial since November of that same year in the capital of Bavaria, south of the country.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Flannel Sheets Wikipedia

portrays the Venezuelan businessmen support the Nazis during World War II. Alarm

Bolivarian Rep of Caracas * Venezuela
The Television Venezolana Social (TEVES) presents the series "Chronicles extraordinary," a documentary about the existence and support for militant Nazis in Venezuela during the years of World War II.
The episode will air on Monday, at 7:30 pm by that channel.
The review anticipates announcing the program in the decade of 40 resided in Venezuela 292 members of the Nazi Party, who were part of the German secret police. The series provides files that show that Hitler was aware of the oil in the country, and records of rights and investments in Germany during the rule of Juan Vicente Gómez. Chronicles Special offers on a list of dealers in Puerto Cabello (Carabobo) who made financial contributions to the account of the Nazi Party.

Tokidoki Check Holder

Scottish LGBT people. Sortu

three homosexuals murdered in Edinburgh in recent days.
Police said that at present there is no reason to link the three crimes.

Scotland Edinburgh * Rep
The murder last month of three gay men in Edinburgh has caused alarm among the gay community in the capital of Scotland.
A Scottish police spokesman acknowledged "the potential concern that these tragic deaths may have caused in the community lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) "and explained that the authorities have contacted their representatives" in order to reassure and advise.
The latest violent death was that of Roger Gray, a university professor 64, whose body with multiple stab wounds, was found at his home last weekend.
His murder happened to John Carter, 44, and a third man, whose identity was not released by legal issues, both found dead on Feb. 27.
Police acknowledges that there are reasons for the LGBT community is alarmed the Scottish capital. Although not rule out any possibility, by momento no hay evidencia de que las tres muertes estén relacionadas.
Estaremos atentxs a futuras novedades.


ez du Auzitegi Gorenak erregistratzea erabaki

Berria * E.H
Espainiako auzitegiko 61eko aretoko hamahiru magistratu horren alde agertu dira, hiru kontra. Ezker abertzaleko alderdiak Konstituzionalera helegitea sartzeko aukera du orain. Fiskaltzari eta Estatuaren abokatuari arrazoia eman die Gorenak; Sortu Batasuna legez kanpoko alderdiaren jarraipena dela diote haiek. Herenegun eta atzo egin zituzten auzi saioak...