Friday, March 25, 2011

Nero Vision Add Chapters

go Meirás The Manor held by Franco, finally opens to the Galician people.

Meirás * Rep
Witness Galiza stays Franco family summer and before literary retreat of the Galician writer Emilia Pardo Bazán, to date, the manor has been closed Meirás lime and singing. Today Friday, March 25, some of its secrets are finally exposed to the Galician people, under an agreement reached between the regional government and its owners has aroused no little criticism.
left behind years of negotiations with the heirs of the property, "donated" the village of Meir's family and genocidal fascist dictator, F. Franco, as a summer residence in 1938. The manor, declared of Cultural Interest in 2008, will be open on Friday of each month in guided tours of one hour and which is only accessible to certain rooms, under the provisions of the Convention.

A donation to a high price ...

The return of the manor to the people is a matter claimed as compensation for dispossession which was the donation of the historic building and land to General Franco by the parish of Meir. Dozens of families were forcibly expropriated and compensated with small amounts of money or in some cases, without benefit.
To duplicate the land that housed the manor and offer it to Franco as a gift ", was established Pro Manor Provincial Board led by the Leader of the civil governor of A Coruña, Julio Muñoz and the banker Pedro Barrie de la Maza. Acquired the family property Pardo Bazán and began the task of upgrading and expanding the field.
To finance this 'feat' was used money from citizens and public institutions in a "campaign of subscription" with donations that ranged from 25 cents to 400 pesetas. This amount is delivered on a voluntary or payroll deducted of staff employed. Expanding the walls of Meirás swept land and housing dozens of peasants, who were taken to a notary Betanzos to formalize the change of ownership.
The total number amounted to 400,000 pesetas and in the operation included the manor house with the furniture bequeathed by Emilia Pardo Bazán and about three acres and a refurbishment and extension of the track leading to the entrance of the property. In the city of Oleiros and Sada are still some of the bills as presented by management to Meir. In total, the consistory of the province accounted for more than a million pesetas which, added to the mortgage that the manor had with the Banco Pastor, results in about two million pesetas, a very high figure by then.
Some experts say it could be a "misappropriation" and that international agencies should act, "Typically, when Franco died the manor galego pass the national heritage."

The CRMH of A Coruña distributed leaflets calling for Friday return of Pazo de Meirás ... CRMH

will split this Friday at 11.30 am in the entrance of the Manor of Meir, in the town of Sada Coruna, brochures to people who visit, coinciding with opening to the public.
The booklet of eight pages, is divided into five sections, one on the Franco dictatorship which qualifies as a "criminal regime", another on the acquisition of the Manor of Meir and the revolutionary tax, 1938 "and a third entitled "A theft continued."
also includes two other deals in which the statement of the Manor of Meir as a Cultural (BIC) and holding that the Xunta de Galicia "defending the interests of the dictator's family" and other and last, the return claiming "the people of what the people."
Also included is a photo of the first civic march their return, organized by CRMH in November 2005 and a receipt from qualifying as "revolutionary tax." Furthermore, this body moves that carry the same banner that headed all protest actions over the past five years around the building with the text "Return." CRMH
made this industrial action "as all organized by the CRMH, peacefully and respecting the entry of people who want to visit the stately home."


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