Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yak Scooter Wheels In Brisbane

Re B'aktun rope Oxlajuj


looking forward to eternal life is a carnival with their wives always happy and fit, with music and joy, and with millions of colored paper dancing in the wind and shining in the sun. Makes you want to stay away from these pieces of paper on the floor to try to combine them. Since joining them, perhaps we will see a newspaper clipping, old news and new at once: that of a woman murdered in Guatemala. And sadly them realize that life is a carnival. Although many women are still treated like a piece of flesh, one body (ideally with specific measures 90-60-90) with owner and skipper, disempowered, and autonomy.
To remind us of these injustices and some worse, nearly one hundred years ago people began to talk of an International Women's Day, initially focusing on the worker. Thanks to feminists, was established on March 8th, and thanks to them also won the right to vote to all adult women.
Also in March but 13 years ago, in Guatemala, a group of feminists string bore the first newspaper of menstrual Rope. With space for expression, many women We could express our disagreement with the system, our values \u200b\u200bas human beings, our job as artists, writers, scientists, lawyers, teachers, anthropologists, etc.
addition we have built a dialogue with our dear men, who increasingly realize that feminism and equality between human beings, only to bring a fuller and happier life.


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