Tuesday 15
Fredy Christ Sake & Txetxo Baucells
The series of performances of the singer improvised pseudo Alfredo Castillo, former founder of Frank Wild Year. As on other occasions, Fredy pleased to invite prominent figures in local music to attack a specific repertoire every night. On this occasion, the winner will be the guitar hero Txetxo Baucells (Gran Banda Mandinga and Conemrad), and together they will tackle a sort of bluesy punk binge Wednesday, 16
Muti Said
This young singer canary, a Palestinian, a Despite the short time he has in the circuit, has become a benchmark of songwriting regional and national level, garnering rave reviews and focusing much attention to his fledgling career. His lyrics, with plenty of metaphors but also involved are the foundation on which underlying this captivating personality.
Thursday 17, Friday 18 and Saturday 19
After last month forced hiatus for health reasons, the expectation of the return of this great company has not only increased, especially after his successful jump to the format television in a popular local channel. In this month prepared to premiere the show in February, 'popcorn soup', there is nothing. 5 euros
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