"I think there were no gas chambers."
El obispo británico negacionista del Holocauso nazi será juzgado este verano en Alemania.
El nazi Joseph Ratzinger (alias Benedicto XVI) como jefe de la secta catolica de Roma, levantó su excomunión en 2009.
Berlin * Germany
Rep Bishop Richard Williamson, known for his statements Holocaust deniers and ultra-conservative member of the Brotherhood of Pius, will be tried this summer in Germany for incitement to racial hatred. Regensburg
Hearing announced today the start of the proceedings against Bishop LeFebvrists and set a date for the 4th of July.
The trial for statements he made to a Scandinavian broadcaster should have been held last November but had to be postponed because the defendant changed counsel and new counsel needed time to hear the proceedings.
"I think the historical evidence speaks strongly against that six million Jews were gassed intentionally in the gas chambers as a strategy of Adolf Hitler treacherous. I believe there were gas chambers, "Williamson said in that interview.
Because the interview was conducted in the seminar priest of the Brotherhood of Pius X in the town of Zaitzkofen, with Regensburg, is the righteousness of the latter city which should be prosecuted Williamson.
A lower court sentenced the bishop of 71 years old in April 2010 to a € 10,000 fine for inciting racial hatred by these statements, ruling that turned against both the convicted and the prosecution.
The Nazi Joseph Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI) as head of the Catholic sect Rome, raised in January 2009 the excommunication against Williamson and three other bishops of the Brotherhood of Pius X founded by the late Bishop Marcel Lefebvre ultraconservative, and allowed re-entry into the Catholic Church.
papal decision coincided with the publication of the controversial interview with Williamson, which brought heavy criticism of the Vatican and made the Nazi Joseph Ratzinger (aka Benedict XVI) acknowledged that he knew the statements of Holocaust deniers when he announced he raised his excommunication .
Williamson's new trial has raised expectations and that has engaged the services of a notorious Nazi tendencies lawyer for his defense before the German justice.
Williamson has chosen to direct his defense Nahrath Wolfram, a notorious member of the German far right, member of the Nazi-fascist Nacionaldemócrata Party (NPD) and the last chief of the banned Nazi-fascist youth organization "Wiking Jugend."
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